Ceramic Flowers on Tile

During this 2 hour session, you will work with wet clay to roll out a flat tile approximately 6 to 12 inches in length. Next we roll out the clay and begin cutting several petals with required tools to form a flower. We attach the petals by scoring and using liquid clay to join them to clay tile. After forming the flowers, we'll add the stems, and leaves. Make sure your initials are in one corner. Now the piece is set for drying until bone dry [several days]. Once fired in a kiln at 2000 degrees, to produce a white unpainted ceramic plaque, we notify you to come paint, typically between 6 to 9 pm the following Saturday.

Cost for ages 10+: $60 (for adults ages 21+ BYOB)

Cost for ages 5-9: $35

Currently, we recommend purchasing online and then calling Caroline at 619.223.6050 to set up your ceramic session times.